Miss FD - Dark Pop Single CURSE BREAKER - Gothic Cinematic Music

Miss FD Presents Music Video for "Despair"

March 9, 2018

MissFD - Despair cover artwork March 9, 2018 - Directed by Chad Michael Ward, the music video for "Despair" was filmed last summer in Hollywood, CA.

Conjuring imagery of a newly summoned life's suffering and isolation, the video expresses the feeling that the forces behind our existence and personal sense of conscious awareness are beyond our understanding or control.

"The unknown forces behind the unfolding of our lives are represented in the video by 'The Sorceress' pulling the strings behind the circumstances which have brought 'The Girl' into existence. Filled with questions for which the answers seem out of reach, 'The Girl' in the music video represents the condition of being born human and the suffering that comes along with the experience of life." -Miss FD

The track is the first glimpse off her upcoming album Trancendence, to be released on March 27, 2018.

Order Transcendence now through iTunes or Miss FD's Shop.

PERMALINK: http://www.missfd.com/2018/03/09/2123